Timber Sales are generally a once in a lifetime deal for most people. Growing timber is a long-term investment that requires dedication and hard work if you want to receive a good return on your investment.
It has been proven that utilizing a Forestry Consultant to assist you with managing and selling your timber generates a higher return on investment when the time comes for harvest.
Custom Timber Sales Solutions for Landowners

Every landowner is different and every tract of land is different, therefore at EVFS we tailor Timber Sales to suit the needs of each individual client.
Our Custom Timber Sales Solutions May Include:
Identifying the Property Boundaries
Identifying Stand Boundaries
Perform Forest Inventories
Develop a Prospectus and Timber Sale Notice
Distribute the Notices
Manage and Accept Bids
Prepare Deeds
Oversee Timber Harvest to Ensure Contract Compliance
As the Timber Harvest operations are winding down, we go over a checklist with the client and address any concerns he or she may have in order to ensure their satisfaction.
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